Who would have thought that the geometry we learned in high school would ever matter, especially when we are off-roading with our friends? Surprisingly it does matter – especially if…

Let’s set a scene: – There are no trees in sight (you pick: a barren desert or a snow-capped peak) – You get your vehicle stuck (you pick: soft sand…

Airing down to go off-road is an important piece to having a successful day on the trails. We will talk about why and what air pressures to air down to…

In the garage or on the trail, the hero for sticking things back together when duct tape just is not enough is J-B Weld.  It can be found in almost…

  “A little progress each day adds up to big results.”   Share with your Friends on Facebook:   Share with your Friends on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BegLXNqlbIx/?hl=en&taken-by=ladiesoffroadnetwork Share with your Friends…

Changing a tire is stressful.  Let’s be honest, it is usually happening because of a bad situation or in a frustrating arena, and we’re probably crying inside and possibly outside.…

S’mores have been an outdoor and camping staple since the beginning of sleeping outdoors for fun, but sometimes the classic can feel a little boring and bland. Change up your…

Checking your engine oil between oil changes is an important part of vehicle maintenance. Oil is like the blood of your car, it ensures that everything in your engine is…

“Today, be the badass girl you were too lazy to be yesterday” – Christina Carlyle   Share with your Friends on Facebook: Share with your Friends on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BeOClpMFea9 Share…

IDPE = Identify, Decide, Predict and Execute While working towards my I4WDTA Certificate, Bill Burke used a few different acronyms.  One of them was IDPE when considering a offroad recovery.  The…

So, you need to work on some wiring and connect two wires together.  It’s not that complex of a job, but there is one tool that makes the whole process…