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2020 Challenge

ladies offroad challenge charlene bower


During the LIVE@5 Charlene dives into the Challenge a little differently and always tends to give out a hint or two about what the challenges actually are 🙂    (Forward the video the to minute mark noted)

April 7: 
The Challenge Announcement - OPEN FOR REGISTRATION!! @ 16:30 min
WATCH VIDEO on Facebook: Click Here
WATCH VIDEO on YouTube: Click Here 

April 14:
More Challenge Details  @ 38:00 min
WATCH VIDEO on Facebook: Click Here
WATCH VIDEO on YouTube: Click Here 

April 28:
Step-by-Step Insights on Each Task!!! @ 55:00 min
WATCH VIDEO on Facebook: Click Here
WATCH VIDEO on YouTube: Click Here 

Join the Fun! Register Now! You Can!

$39 - Registration
$35.10 - Member Registration
$99 -
Registration + LON Support
$149 – Registration + LON Support + Scholarship for Lady who Cannot Afford
Can Not Afford? Submit Scholarship Need Form (not guaranteed)

Why is there a Cost?

  1. I want you to invest in this opportunity. FREE isn’t a serious investment. This is all about you!
  2. I will be sending you a set of tools to use through this process.

You DO NOT NEED TO BE A MEMBER to join the Challenge!! However, Members will receive their 10% off.  To receive Discount become a Yearly Member to waive 90-day waiting period. CLICK HERE

What is the Challenge?

The 5th Annual 2020 Ladies Offroad Challenge continues the fun and exciting format as last year!  Ladies will participate in a series of 11 Challenges that have different deadlines spanning over 10 weeks. These offroad based challenges will tap into each persons Skills, Tools, Heart and Mind. They are built to be: Hard / Easy ; For Beginners / Intermediates / Advanced. They are expected to be: F-U-N and at least one should push you outside your comfort zone. 

The Challenge officially starts on May 4th.  You can work hard to become one of the 10 Ladies that will experience a 4-day epic weekend with Charlene.  The Top 10 Weekend is the Win!  Top 5 in total points will automatically qualify for the Top 10 Weekend.  The next two will be determined by the entire 2020 Challenge Participant group nominating and voting on two categories: Most Supportive and Tried Really Hard…but… The final 3 will be Random Draw Winners. Essentially anyone can be part of the Top 10 that completes a minimum of one Challenge!

In 2019 we had 175 Ladies Challenging themselves. Be part of history in 2020...


What are the Challenges?

I can't tell you exactly what the challenges are because that would spoil all the fun...but I can give you a brief list.  I will teach you how to do each of these tasks so you won't be asked to do something without tools or that you have no idea how to start. (There will be videos and written elements for each)  YES! You can do this!!

  • Take a Picture
  • Write a Story
  • Go Offroad (Driver or Passenger)
  • Weld!
  • Build a Kit (Do not need to purchase anything)
  • Build an Adventure
  • Work with your Rig
  • Precision Driving Exercise
  • Use Tools for a Project
  • Heart: Land Project + Help Fellow Offroader + Let a Lady know about LON

If you completed 2019 this list may sound very familiar...yes, it is...but the actual tasks are sooooooo different. You will love it!

Tools Provided

You will receive a package in the mail with tools, metal and a few other fun items! The items are designed to help you work through the challenges. 

You will utilize our two systems: Bower Academy and Wild Apricot. (can utilize on a desktop or as a phone app) Both of these online systems are very user friendly and supply a lot of information and opportunity for you to be successful. Most importantly you will work together with other ladies who are also doing the challenge ~ you are not by yourself!

Q & A

I don't have enough time?!  You have 10 weeks to complete all of these projects. You will have a lot of time in comparison to what you have to do. There are some that you get right away so you have all 10 weeks to get them done (like go offroad). Others have deadlines, because we all work better on a deadline! 😉   Oh, and, you need to make some time for YOU to LEARN and GROW. 

I don't have an offroad vehicle?! That is ok!  You don't really need one except for two items...but you can find a friend!  You will be in a online group where you can work with other ladies in your area or you can get help from any group!

I can't afford to participate?! We got you! There is a scholarship option for the enrollment portion. There is no money involved in the rest of the challenge other than some gas and lunch money for your trail day.

I can't do them all?!  Hmmm, first, you can will receive instructions on how to do each of them.  You are not expected to know how to do everything when starting. 
Life happens ~ do the best you can! I get it! Therefore, if you compete 3 of the 11, know that your name is going into the pot 3 times for the random drawing to join the Top 10 Weekend!  Do as many as you can...which is better than nothing.

I can't take any more time off?!  That is ok! You don't need to take any "time off work" to do any of the Challenge tasks. You should participate to do the challenges, the trip at the end is a bonus.  
If you get into a position where you are joining the Top 10 weekend, you can either A. make it happen 🙂 or B. waive your opportunity to someone else. Not a big deal either way.  Don't not do the challenge because of the possibility of the Top 10 weekend!

STEP 1: Register Now

Register by May 3rd

CLICK HERE to Join the Fun!

STEP 2: Start Challenge

Starts May 4

You will have 3 of the Challenges to start on immediately. There are some quick deadlines for a couple, others you will have the full 10 weeks to complete.

They are built to be: Hard / Easy   ; For Beginners / Intermediates / Advanced

They are expected to be: F-U-N and at least one will push you outside your comfort zone

Groups or Alone: You can work together with local ladies or you can complete on your own

No Money: You will not need to purchase anything to complete this challenge (well, except for some gas and lunch for your offroading day J)

Watch the launch video to hear an outline of what the Challenges are…

STEP 3: Receive Package

Tools Ship May 8(ish)

Watch your USPS Mailbox for Awesomeness!

STEP 4: Challenge Continues

May 4 – August 31

We will continue to launch more of the Challenges.

You will receive an email that will lead you to the current Challenge

Submit Your Finished Challenges:

  • You will have access to submit your finished work for points.
  • You DO NOT need Social Media, or have to be a Member, to complete the Challenge successfully!!
  • You will check the specific challenge off your To-Do list, which will notify us to check your submission and apply points to the online visible spread sheet.

(Aye! This is so exciting, and I’m just typing up the How-it-works! 
Wait until you see the Challenges and the How-to-do-it-correctly information! This is all about learning…)

STEP 5: 5th Challenge Ends

August 31

Make sure all the Challenges you were able to complete are submitted and accounted for PRIOR TO this Date.

STEP 6: Points Announcement

September 10, 2020

Special Thursday Night LIVE that will focus on the Challenge participants and the lucky TOP 10 Group that will be going to Moab with Charlene!!

Ladies Offroad Convention Gala
Saturday Night August 1st

Saturday night is a VERY special night at the Convention for many reasons including the Challenge Final Announcements. Finishing even a couple challenges is a WIN!

STEP 7: Top 10 Weekend

Top 10 Weekend

An Epic 4 Days of adventure and meeting top industry professionals while being spoiled and educated by Charlene in MOAB, UTAH!!! This is an A-M-A-Z-I-N-G weekend!  (The group of 10 will decide together WHEN this trip will take place due to 2020 restrictions.)

Who Gets to Go?

  • Top 5 in Points
  • 2 Ladies Voted by Challenge Participants: Biggest Cheerleader & Tried Really Hard…but…
  • 3 Random Draws! The number of Challenges you complete determines the number of times your name goes into the Grandma’s Salad Bowl. Life happens…you complete 3…your name goes in 3 times and you could still be picked and attend the Top 10 Weekend!!!! All you need is your name in the bowl one time to get an opportunity!  Do it! Try it! You Got This! –c-

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