Your Adventures
At Event Hunts
See the Individual Page
Adventure Seeker In-Person Hunts
At Events around the Country
Flash Hunts
Adventure Seeker Flash Hunts
A Couple Weeks to Find a Specific List
This is a fun way for us to interact throughout the year ~ Go on your own Adventures and share ; See us at Events and get some education and play time in doing a Adventure Hunt ; Take on one of our fun Flash Hunts to try your hand at a certain topic.
More will be added in the first part of the year as we come up to the first opportunity.
POINTS: After submitting your responses you will get a reply from our team with the points assigned to the opportunity. Points will be collected throughout the year and turned into entries into the 2024 Week of Giving Drawing. You do not need to do anything, other than watch to make sure that we accounted for your response.
Adventure Seeker - Adventure
We want to know more about your amazing adventures!
"You Do You", Have Fun & Get Rewarded!
- Go on an OFFROAD Adventure
- Take (minimum) of 8 Pictures to submit
- Write up a Short Story via our Q&A Form
- EARN POINTS by Submitting
- WIN during our Week of Giving (Dec 2024)
It's Easy and Fun!
We utilize the Adventures Submitted to Share on Social Media
PRO TIP: Check out the submission form before you go so you know what to consider while on your adventure!
12/19/23 - More Coming!