S’more in a Bag
Daily Dirt Education Offroad Food

S’more in a Bag

LON-Daily-Dirt-Smore in a BagWe really love s’mores. They are the essential camping dessert! What campfire isn’t complete with a gooey, chocolatey s’more? We have given you the Campfire Cone take on this traditional outdoor desert, but here is another fun one, the S’more in a Bag! This treat has all the gooey deliciousness of the typical s’more while conveniently keeping your hands clean from melted marshmallow and chocolate! 


  • Jumbo Marshmallows (what you normally use for s’mores)
  • Chocolate chips (but you can break up a chocolate bar too)
  • Bagged cookies (cinnamon or honey Teddy Grahams work the best, but any flavor will do)
  • Fork
  • Stick for roasting your marshmallows

Charlene Tip: Like the Campfire Cone you can customize these s’mores with toppings, different candy bars, different types of cookies, heck you can even add a scoop of ice cream in the bag!



LON-Daily-Dirt-Smore in a BagOpen one end of your bag of cookies (cutting can help prevent tears) and add chocolate chips into the bag (or crush up your candy bars). Stick your marshmallow on a stick and roast to your preferred level (I personally like mine charred black)! Stick your roasted marshmallow in the opening of your cookie bag, and, using the sides of the bag, pull the marshmallow off the stick. Hold your bag closed and shake the contents to mix everything up! Open up, grab your fork, and enjoy your mess-free treat!

Charlene Tip: For an extra gooey treat, add in 2 marshmallows instead of one, and some extra chocolate!

The S’more in a Bag is mess free and easy to prepare. This makes it ideal for off-roaders who love dessert especially those who bring their little off-roaders along with them! Most snack sized cookie bags come in packs of 12, so you can feed a whole group with this delicious treat.

Follow our Pinterest Board: Camp Food for more delicious inspiration

Author:  Shelby Benson

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