Hear About It...
SKIP TO Min 10:45 for Info on Network'ing
What is a Virtual Network'ing Event
It is NEW so we are going to better define them in this coming week 🙂 It is an online gathering of Offroad Ladies who will get to communicate and chat through Educational Information, Upcoming Events, and Your Stories. Unlike LIVE@5 on Tuesdays, you will have a voice and video option on the Virtual Network'ing calls. They will last 2 hours and have a maximum capacity of 75 guests. You do NOT have to be a member to attend.
Our number one goal is to give Members an opportunity to meet each other, while welcoming all offroad ladies (guests) into our circle with friendly open arms. Ladies Offroad Network is all encompassing including MC, ATV, UTV, Jeep, Toyota, RC Car, Snowmobile, etc ladies that are Driver, Riders or Passengers! These non-vehicle based fun events revolve around offroad education topics provided by Charlene and could lead to conversations and plans for weekend adventures. Be sure to join in on the conversations...
Virtual Network'ing Request
Keep the Conversation Offroad Oriented!
- Positive Talk about You, Your Vehicle, Your Thoughts
- Laughing at Ourselves and Others
- If someone wanders off Offroading, Bring them Back to the topic
- Let's Create a Distraction from our "interesting" life for a couple hours
Virtual Network'ing Etiquette
Please follow these rules of Etiquette to help with the call:
- Arrive to the call On-Time so you can introduce yourself.
- When you are not talking, keep your microphone on mute.
- Be aware of your video background 🙂
March 2020 Network'ing Locations
Please let us know you are coming by clicking the REGISTER NOW button. It is Free!
Please help us share the knowledge by Inviting Your Friends via Facebook or Instagram!
Thank you and can't wait to see you!
North West
North West States Details
Location: WA, OR, Nor Cal, ID, MT, WY, NV, UT, CO, ND, SD, NE, AK, Western Canada
Date: WEDNESDAY March 18
Time: 7-9pm pst // 8-10 pm mst
LINK: ---> Register Now for FREE to get the Link Delivered --->
North East
North East States Details
Location: MN, IA, WI, IL, IN, MI, OH, PA, NY, NJ, CT, RI, MA, VT, NH, ME, Eastern Canada
Date: WEDNESDAY March 18
Time: 7-9pm est // 6-8 pm cst
LINK: ---> Register Now for FREE to get the Link Delivered --->
South West
South West States Details
Location: AZ, NM, TX, OK, KS, MO, AR, LA, HI, So Cal
Date: THURSDAY March 19
Time: 7-9pm Pst // 8-10 pm Mst
LINK: ---> Register Now for FREE to get the Link Delivered --->
South East
South East States Details
Location: MS, AL, GA, FL, SC, NC, VA, WV, KY
Date: THURSDAY March 19
Time: 7-9pm est // 6-8 pm cst
LINK: ---> Register Now for FREE to get the Link Delivered --->