Schedule - Subject to Change
Thursday - July 6, 2017:
- Optional Activity: 9am - Leave Hotel for Shop Tours and Lunch
- Arrive at Ontario Airport, or drive into specified hotel location. Be at hotel no later than 4:30pm.
- 4pm - 5pm - Check-in with Activities
- 5pm - First Meeting
- 6:30pm - Evening Dinner
Friday - July 7, 2017:
- 7am - Breakfast
- 8am - 4:30pm - The Fab School
- 5:30pm - Meeting
- 7pm - Dinner
Saturday - July 8, 2017:
- 7am - Breakfast
- 8am - 4:30pm - The Fab School
- 5:30pm - Meeting
- 7pm - Dinner
Sunday - July 9, 2017:
- 8am - Leave for Beach!
- 1pm - Return from Beach, deliver to Ontario Airport (ONT) and Hotel.
- 1pm to 5pm - Optional Activity: Lunch and Charity Event
Flight Information
Please book flights to arrive at latest by 3:30pm on Thursday so we can pick you up and get you checked in by 5pm.
> To participate in the Thursday Optional Activity, you must be in the shuttle at the hotel at 9am on Thursday morning. We will be back at the hotel no later than 4pm to get ready for the first event of our weekend that starts at 5pm.
Please book flights to leave at earliest 2pm on Sunday, so you can enjoy a great day at the beach and get to your flight on time.
> To participate in the Sunday Optional Activity, please book your flights after 6:00pm on Sunday. We ask that you either commit, or leave before lunch. We don't want to interrupt the program with good-byes. There will be no transportation to the airport during the afternoon, any flights between 2:00pm and 6:00pm will be on the early bus to the airport.
Hotel group rates will be available if you need to stay an extra night on either side. Please communicate with us so we can help coordinate your room and transportation to or from the airport.