Daily Dirt Education Skills Tips

First Aid Kit

Education Topic:
First Aid Kit

A Limited Topic to fit on One Printable Sheet

Why: Whether we want to admit it or not, offroading is a dangerous sport. A lot can happen very quickly with vehicles and natures elements of rocks, trees and dirt. Plus, in the true spirit of offroading, more than likely you are far from a hospital or even cell service to get critical help. Having the right First Aid Kit and some training may take a bad situation into a manageable situation.

Critical 3: In a small bag, keep these Critical 3 items in a place that is easy to access: 1. Tourniquet (average adult can bleed out in 1 to 3 minutes from an arterial bleed) 2. Occlusive Dressing (chest seal) for any punctures to the lung area to prevent pneumothorax (collapsed lung). 3. Wound packing for critical bleeds in "junctional" wounds or areas that a tourniquet cannot assist in (neck, pelvic areas).

CLICK  for Amazon Search for these items:

Tourniquet: CLICK HERE

Occlusive Dressing: CLICK HERE

Wound Packing: CLICK HERE

First Aid Kit: Your offroad style will depend on what you can take. For example, motorcycle girls can only take a small kit where a 4x4 girl can have a huge kit. Focus on having the basics first and then expand into a bigger, more aggressive kit. There are many kits available that would be just fine. Yet, not all kits are created equally. Some have more opportunity for you to be successful if you are hours away from help. When reading the contents list, keep distance to help in mind. Don’t keep from purchasing a bigger kit with more tools because you don’t know how to use them. Someone there might and that could be the savior!

Amazon Search for these style First Aid Kits: CLICK HERE

Expiration Dates and Know What You Have: When was the last time you went through your First Aid Kit? Do you know what you even have? Have you used something and not replaced it? Have you checked the items in your bag for expiration dates and replaced? Have some of the wet items dried up?




Storage: Have your Critical 3 in an immediate grab position, not within your First-Aid Bag. Your First-Aid Bag should be on the top of your gear where you can access it quickly.

CLASS: Join our unique Ladies Offroad Wilderness First Aid Class! Two Days in the Classroom for WFA Certification, then 1 day on the trails doing real exercises. June 12-14, 2020 ~ Fly to Albuquerque, NM   www.ladiesoffroadnetwork.com/2020-wilderness-first-aid

If this has passed, please look for an upcoming class: www.ladiesoffroadnetwork.com/calendar

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Network'ing events are built so ladies have an opportunity to meet each other in coordinating areas. They are casual, fun and chatty. I realized quickly that just sitting around and talking 'about our day' is not what we are all about, so I added the opportunity to chat about offroading!  Each Network'ing Event host receives 2 topic sheets to lead a discussion about. This was one of the sheets that was shared!

We are now hosting Network'ing Events Virtually so you can join in online to meet and learn from around the world!!

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