Ladies Welding Photo Contest
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Ladies Welding Photo Contest

Click Here to watch the Facebook Live video!


Welding Contest Winners

Random Drawing Winners


Welding Thank you


Voting is Closed

 Votes of confidence can be logged up to Friday Dec 16th at 12pm PST. Cora and Charlene will go Facebook LIVE at 3pm PST December 16th to announce the winner of the three prizes

Cora Jokinen at Torq-Masters is a business owner, racer and welder.  Together we want to support Lady welders around the country.  Cora's relationship with Miller Welders has allowed her the opportunity to put a Women's Miller Digital Elite Helmet (Retail $317), Women's Welding Large Jacket, and 3 pairs of Miller Welding Gloves up for grabs.

Here is how we are going to do this, Ladies:  

lon_contest-miller-welders1. Take a picture of you welding or with one of your prize welding projects.  
2. Submit your Photo, with Name, Email, Phone Number and Shipping Address to 
* All submissions will receive (4) 2016 Participation Points 

>> Submission deadline end of day Thursday December 8th

3. We will take your picture and frame it up nicely with your name!  Yes, fancy!
4. We will post a gallery on the Ladies Offroad Network Group Page with all the submissions.  We will post on Monday December 12th and will follow up with an email to you with your specific link.

>> Photos will be ready to vote on by 12pm PST Monday December 12th

5.  You have until Friday Dec 16th at 12pm PST to get the most Likes, Shares or Comments on your photo.  The group is Public so anyone can participate in this part - guys or girls.  (Please encourage other Ladies to join our group!)

>> Contest will close at 12pm PST Friday December 16th

7.  Cora and Charlene will go Facebook LIVE at 3pm PST December 16th to announce the winner of the three prizes.  The winners will be determined by logging the Likes, Shares and Comments
>>  1st prize - Women's Miller Digital Elite Helmet (Retail $317), Miller Welding Gloves
>>  2nd Prize - Women's Welding Jacket, Large, from Miller Welders, 
Miller Welding Gloves
>>  3rd Prize - Miller Welding Gloves
WE Look forward to seeing all the pictures of YOU -> amazing welding girls!  No age limit.  No purchase necessary.  Just a great opportunity to show the world you weld!

Contest Schedule

Submission Deadline: December 8, 2016  ->  Email

Voting Opens: December 12, 2016 at 12pm PST   ->   Ladies Offroad Network Group Page

Voting Closes: December 16, 2016 at 12pm PST  ->   Ladies Offroad Network Group Page

Winners Announced: December 16, 2016 at 3pm PST  ->   Facebook LIVE on Ladies Offroad Network Group Page

Lady Welders Able to Win Welding Gear

Submit Picture by Thursday December 8th to

Cora Jokinen at Torq-Masters Industries is a business owner, racer and welder. Together with the Ladies Offroad Network, we want to support lady welders around the country. Cora's relationship with Miller Electric Welders has allowed her the opportunity to put a Women's Miller Digital Elite Helmet (Retail $317), Women's Welding Large Jacket, and 3 pairs of Miller Welding Gloves up for grabs.

“People often say, 'women make the best welders' but sometimes that's hard with ill-fitting safety gear. I want to help those women who are already welding step up their game with the best safety gear in the industry, specifically designed for women, from Miller Electric Welders,” said Cora Jokinen, President, Torq-Masters Industries. “My Grandfather told me to get an education and learn a trade. While in college I took classes to learn how to weld because I couldn't afford to buy Jeep parts from the catalogues and I wanted to make my own parts. Fast forward 15 years, my company is making thousands of parts a year for my fellow Offroaders, that passion to create and innovate still strong, and Miller Welders are still in my garage.”

Cora approached the Ladies Offroad Network to host this fun contest. “I am very excited to be able to reach out to all the welding ladies with the opportunity that Cora offered and with Miller Welders generosity,” said Charlene Bower, owner of Bower Media and Ladies Offroad Network. “This contest is a stepping stone to a very exciting 4-day event that we have planned for garage girls in 2017. In my travels I have talked to lady welders, fabricators and mechanics who feel they are the only one of their kind that exists. I know that isn’t the case, and I look forward to being able to bring them together in an educational, networking and fun format.” More information on the 2017 Ladies Offroad Garage event will be released soon.